Knee Shoulder and Joint Issues


Knee and shoulder pain is caused by a number of reasons, including an injury from falling or lifting heavy objects, or movements repeated over time that are not healthy. Knee pain can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease such as heavy physical activity, injuries such as sprains or strains, sitting in a constrained area, or sitting on the knees for a prolonged period. The location of knee pain can vary depending on which part of the knee is injured.


  • Difficulty weight bearing or walking due to instability of the knee
  • Limping due to discomfort
  • Difficulty walking up or down steps 
  • Locking of the knee (unable to bend it)
  • Swelling
  • Inability to extend the knee
  • Shifting weight to the opposite knee and foot


The shoulder, on the other hand, has a wide range of motion. When something goes wrong with the shoulder, it could reduce your ability to move freely and can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint made up of three main bones.

The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body, as it moves the shoulder forward and backward. It also allows the arm to move in a circular motion and to move up and away from the body. Shoulders get their range of motion from the rotator cuff. It can become painful or difficult to lift your arm over your head if the tendons or bones around the rotator cuff are damaged or swollen.

Shoulder pain can be caused by performing physical labor, playing sports, or even from repetitive movement. Shoulder problems are more likely to occur as you grow older, especially after age 60, because the soft tissues surrounding the shoulder tend to degenerate with age.


We are one of the best clinics for knee and shoulder pain in Minneapolis, offering patients state-of-the-art equipment and procedures to target the issues that have caused the joints to degenerate or become injured. By giving shoulders and knees what they need to heal properly, we are able to activate built-in mechanisms for healing & self-repair, which can correct and improve the functions of the joint, which helps eliminate symptoms, improve quality of life, and avoid surgery.

If you are experiencing any of the conditions listed above, contact us to schedule your complimentary consultation.


Distinguish yourself with a fresh choice for your medical practice.

The singular knee traction apparatus available independently in the market

  • Static and intermittent traction
  • Fully-automated protocols
  • 35-second patient setup
  • 5-minute therapy time
  • 8 patients per hour
  • Small footprint

Introducing the Knee On Trac, we now possess the answer for individuals who have been informed of their requirement for a knee replacement, those facing severe joint degradation, or those who have exhausted all therapeutic alternatives.

Remarkable transformations that were once deemed implausible are becoming evident!

DR Jamy Antoine
Select Health Center

5 ways Knee On Trac helps your practice grow

Sets your practice apart

Differentiate yourself from your rivals. The exclusive nature of the Knee On Trac sets it apart as the singular product of its kind available in the market.

Expands into untapped markets

For individuals who have been informed that all available treatments have been exhausted, the Knee On Trac introduces fresh, non-surgical possibilities.

Ensures the future success of your business

The prevalence of knee pain is growing due to the aging population and the increasing rates of obesity in the United States.

Enhances efficiency

The Knee On Trac streamlines your schedule by enabling simultaneous utilization with complementary treatments, including laser and stem cell therapy.

Boosts earnings

A groundbreaking and inventive remedy for persistent knee discomfort translates to assisting a greater number of patients.

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